You can book a postal try on for any garment. 

How to book: 
1) Select 'TRY ON' from the drop down menu. The cost is $35 including postage, the reason for this is because while the garment is out for the try on, official bookings of the garment can't be made. 
2) The garment will be sent to you & will include a return bag.
3) Try the garment on. Attached to the garment is a tag, if the garment is returned and this has been removed, you will be charged the full rental fee. 
4) Return garment in the bag included by handing over to an NZ post counter.


If you are wanting to come and try something on in person you can request this using the form to the right. I teach full time, so only offer try ons one day a week (Wednesday) from 4:30-6:00pm.   
In the form, tell me what time would be your preference and which garments you were hoping to try. 
Each of my garments are one of a kind, so it pays to double check that they will be here prior to a try on booking.

